Friday, March 11, 2011

What's In Your Warehouse?

Without enough inventory, sales will suffer and the bottom line
weakens. Inventory control is critical to a publisher's profitability.

Inventory is tricky – too little and you might miss a sales opportunity;
too much and it creates a glut of books you can't get rid of. It is crucial to maintain accurate numbers of what is on the shelves. Knowing what has sold and what is in the warehouse or with distributors can make or break your company.

iPUB's real-time inventory gives you all the information you need to make informed decisions.


* Automated inventory updates
* Sophisticated algorithms track sales history and project
supply longevity
* Reorder and reprint reminders
* Virtual warehouse tracking systems

Publisher Benefits

* Every book order entry displays and highlights available inventory.

* Each sale automatically adjusts inventory as well as royalties, commissions and sales analysis information.

* Predict how long supplies will last based on actual sales history figures.

* Built-in alerts tell you when it is time to reorder or reprint.

* Know exactly how much inventory is off-site; at each distributor and at each warehouse.

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