Friday, March 25, 2011

Read the Instructions

My dad once told me that he had a teacher once handout a test and told the class, "Read all the instructions before starting the test". Many of the kids immediately, confident in their knowledge started feverishly through the questions while a few read the instructions,put their pencils down and sat quietly.When those who had confidently answered all the questions finished the teacher asked if everyone was done and then said to the kids, "Let's go over the instructions". The instructions talked about how to fill in bubbles and stuff like that, but finally, the last instruction was do not answer these questions this is a test in following instructions, put your pencil down and sit quietly.
Are we so sure of our knowledge and experience that we feel we don't need instructions(data)to tell us the direction to take our companies. Can you even get that data? I've seen those that thought the gray in the hair assured them of wisdom and those who thought that a degree meant they were brilliant but ignored the market to follow their own confidence and took their companies backwards.
iPUB through its state of the art Pubvision system with numerous custom reports can help you map your company's future.
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
C. S. Lewis

Steve Becker
iPRO Business Systems

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