Thursday, March 3, 2011

Royalty help has arrived.

Imagine waking up and strolling into your office. You have a fresh, hot roasted cup of your favorite Starbucks blend. You sit down at your desk, open up your Outlook and a reminder flashes before you. TIME to pay out royalties! No matter. You couldn’t be the least bit concerned.

Reports come streaming in from channel partners. The formats are markedly different. Some are excel spreadsheets, while others are extracted data, and yet others are the product of proprietary home-grown reporting systems. With the push of a button, you upload each of the data sets into your royalty engine and in a matter of seconds you know exactly what your authors are owed. Sounds nice, right? But is this how your business operates today?

Why are Royalty Payments so Problematic?

From the outside it looks pretty straight forward. As a publisher, you negotiate a deal with an author, draw up a contract, leverage sales channels, get reports from those channels, and then pay out royalties. Simple, right? If only this were the case.

The Real Story

Here is the unfortunate reality. Every contract is different and the terms can be quite complex. As a publisher you may have to pay based on a sliding scale, a fixed price, different time intervals, volume thresholds, and the list goes on. And on top of that, you have to make sure you fulfill on every single contract covenant or trouble could ensue. Now for problem #2...

The book is now published and in the hands of many partners, all of whom are making sales. Suddenly, these partners are sending you sales reports and you have to determine royalties owed.

The problem is every report you get is different. To make matters worse, these reports leave you swimming in a sea of data, grasping at ways to roll it all up into a simple, easy to understand royalty statement.

Automation is the Key

The fact of the matter is the royalty process involves too much manual labor. If you were using Giallo however, nearly 95% of the royalty payment process would be automated, saving you time and money.

Introducing the Giallo Royalty System
With the click of a button, Giallo will:

* Import sales from all your sources
* Verify all the data
* Report on ‘royalty liability’ to be booked to the general ledger
* Calculate the royalty payments owed in minutes
* Run reports to analyze sales, review trends, and estimate reprint quantities

With over 30 years experience in the Publishing industry we have spoken to thousands of people about their business issues. The 2 largest issues that always come up are managing the royalty payment process, and finding “Good” publishing management software that doesn’t cost $50,000 or more.

Gone are the days where you need to have the IT infrastructure to house all your software applications. In today’s world, you can operate in the cloud. You can access the applications you need only at the times you need them.

With Giallo, we have built a royalty solution that lives in the cloud. You don’t need to own any hardware. You don’t need an IT staff. You don’t even have to input your royalty contracts, because we will do it for you. All you need to do is login, and import your vendor sales reports.
Get the iPUB Advantage. 1-866-482-4408 Ext 701

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